Searches via File Transfer Protocol

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a set of commands by which you can interact with another machine in order to get, put, rename or delete (depending on your level of permission) files on that machine. Like gopher, FTP allows you to get information or programs stored another machine and download them to your own. One kind of FTP that you will be using forthis class will be anonymous FTP. Anonymous FTP generally involves downloading files from a machine on which you do not have an account. For example, you might want to download software (games, utilities, or communicatiions programs, for example) that are archived on a machine in another state or another country. If the person(s) maintaining the account where the software is stored allows it, you can download the software and use it on your own computer. There are literally thousands of Anonymous FTP hosts that archive many many files that might be of iterest to you.

Prior to connecting to an Anonymous FTP host, you might want to do an Archie search to find the location files that might be of interest to you. You can find instructions for using archie by clicking here.

FTP via Unix shell

To FTP you need to use the ftp program on the unix machine at (assuming you have an account on that machine). To begin, you need to be in a unix shell. For users, that means you have to type "t" and then hit return at the mian menu. You should see a Unix prompt:
At this point, you need to start the ftp program. There are two different ways to do this:
1. Type "ftp" followed by the name of the machine you are trying to access. For example, you could type: At this point you will see something like : At this point, you need to type "anonymous" in order to let the machine know you are not a regular user and that you are attempting an Anonymous FTP. After typing "anonymous" hit return and you should see something like: This means that the FTP server has approved the userid "anonymous" and is asking for your e-mail address as a password. At this point, you need to type in your e-mail address and hit return. Many FTP servers will not allow you to log in if your password does not look like an e-mail address. Once you have done this, you should see something like: Occaisionally, your login request will be refused, often because the server is down or because there are already the maximum number of anonymous logins allowed at one time. In such a case, you will often be advised to try again later or to attempt your Anonymous FTP via a mirror site. Mirror sites are machines that carry duplicate copies of the files you want in order to facilitate the demand for these files. Mirror sites are particularly common for much sought files, such as popular games (like the Doom series) or for widely used communications programs like Netscape.

Once you have successfully logged on to the machine you are seeking, you will need to use a number of commands in order to get the file(s) you want.

Once you are finished with your Anonymous FTP session, you need to close the connection. To do so, simply type "bye" at the ftp prompt. To quit the ftp program, type "quit" at the ftp prompt 2. You could just type "ftp":

The program will start, but will not make a connection. At this point you will need to type "open" followed by the name of the machine to which you seek to connect. For example, you might type At this point the ftp program will open a connection to the machine you desire and you should follow the directions for logging in anonymously described above.

Useful Commands for Working within the FTP Environment

Here are some commands you will need to know in order to work effectively in an FTP environment. You can click here for an abbreviated list of these commands.



pwd / !pwd


binary / ascii

get / mget

put / mput
