Often, in Italy, it is difficult to understand the person who is speaking to us for many reasons. Maybe the traffic is too loud, or maybe the other person is speaking too fast. Their intonation and regional accent can also contribute to difficulty and misinterpretation. In this case, it is most beneficial to ask the other person to repeat what they said. Some useful expressions concerning this issue are: [come?] [scusa?] [che cosa?]. To concentrate on one word in particular, you can ask: [scusa, non ho capito la prima parola] oppure [puoi ripetere il nome?]. There are also cases in which you simply cannot remember the correct word to use. In this case, you can ask for help by saying: : [come si dice ... ?] [aiutami a dire che ... ]. If, when speaking, you think a sentence is wrong, you can ask: [è giusto?] o [è sbagliato ... ?] [allora come si dice ... ?]. The other person, then, will most likely respond with: [sì, va bene] [perfetto] oppure [no, mi sembra che non vada bene]. It is very important to know these expressions when learning a language.
