Language Acquisition, Text-Based Virtual Reality, Java Client


This paper will evaluate the user interface of a Java client of Little Italy, a text-based virtual reality environment developed at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan and accessible via the Internet. The paper will also explore the possibility of using Little Italy as a tool for second language acquisition, particularly Italian. Finally I will make recommendations for improving the user interface and discuss them.

Little Italy is a MOO which stands for MUD (Multi User Domain) Object Oriented, MOOs are virtual environments based on textual descriptions similar to role-games. Some of them are game-oriented, some of them are not. Little Italy is not game-oriented, it is rather a living experiment of virtual society and economy. The virtual citizen is free to contribute to the building of the city and to the definition of social and cultural models. There are five levels of users within the system: 1) guests, occasional visitors, they can talk, move and watch; 2) players, the regular users; 3) builders, they can build objects, places and descriptions;4) programmers, they can determine objects behavior by programming them, and 5) Wizards, the administrators of the MOO. Every user can be promoted to the next level. MOOs are Internet delivered and based on a client-server architecture. That determines the existence of relevant characteristics that belong particularly to the server side of the software, others that belong to the client side and finally others that originate from the content side of the software. The server side of the software constitute the assumption of our investigation, since it does not change from one client to the other. The client side of the software is our independent variable, the one that can be changed by the programmer in order to achieve a goal of communication. I agree with Soloway (1996) that interface development and evaluation should be user-centered and I try to identify the average user of the software that I am about to evaluate.

The interaction is text-based and focuses on objects than can be directly manipulated by the users. This characteristics allows for a very powerful communicative environment where communications is not based on metaphors and analogies with the real world but is based on natural language (Gentner & Nielson 1996); the basic syntax of a command in Little Italy is "action + object + qualifier". The software runs on Persistent Object Store which is not based on permanent storage but uses volatile memory such as RAM. The interaction can occur with other players, with software objects, such as characters or space, and it can occur with published MOO material, such as space and character descriptions. The Interaction occurs mostly in real time, but email functionality as well as MOO publishing capability are included. The software is TCP/IP based, accessible from all over the Internet, across platforms. Most of the interface, messaging and commands, has been translated from English to Italian. That provides an interesting environment for students of the Italian language. The virtual community of Italian speakers, consists in large part of highly educated people and of native speakers. This Italian virtual community represent an unprecedented resource for foreign language learners. Never before has the opportunity for authentic communication with native speakers been so open and easily accessible to students studying a foreign language in a classroom setting (Oliva, 1995a). The membership and participation in virtual communities is determined by network access, computer literacy and a strong interest in the topic of discussion. Geographical location does not constitute a determining factor in the process of aggregation. The virtual community of people communicating in some language utilizes several channels, including News, IRC, the Web, mailing lists and MOOs among others. The integration of Internet resources as a primary instructional tool in Second Language Acquisition utilizes the concept of virtual linguistic community. The virtual immersion into some language and culture made possible through computer network resources helps students to improve their language skills in a manner similar to full immersion or study abroad, but it is based mostly on written communication. By promoting language acquisition, the use of Internet communication as an instructional tool in L2 teaching responds to the call for a departure from the traditional focus on language learning. Krashen's Monitor Model/Theory (1982) proposes that adult learners develop an acquired system of language performance, as well as an independent learned one. The acquired system resembles that of first language acquisition in children, while the learned system is developed consciously and usually in formal situations. Acquired language competence is a subconscious process promoted by situations involving a high degree of communicative urgency. Learned competence is based more on the conscious study of grammar rules, as commonly found in traditional teaching approaches. Although some researchers believe the acquisition/learning dichotomy may be irrelevant (Vygotsky, 1991), a growing body of research confirms Krashen's theory that both acquisition and learning are responsible for second language performance (Blanche and Merino, 1989). According to the premise that the adult learner's L2 performance is based on the two independent systems discussed by Krashen, tools which promote acquisition can be integrated with those facilitating learning. Little Italy facilitates language acquisition by providing the circumstances necessary for a high degree of communicative urgency. The students are often required to use their language skills on a daily basis to actually communicate with native speakers through Email, NEWS and IRC. The integration of these tools with other more traditional teaching tools, such as textbooks, films and lectures, all of which promote learned competence, may create a two-tiered language program combining learning and acquisition. Other developments in language learning theory and research relate to shifts toward more authentic communication in the classroom (Freire, 1970; Goodman, 1986; Graman, 1988; Krashen, 1985; Taylor, 1993), content-based instruction (Brinton et al., 1989; Graman, 1988; Sternfeld, 1994) and learner-centered education (Ingram, 1984; Legutke, 1991; Nunan, 1988). Internet tools may foster a learning environment conducive to all three of these trends. In accordance with content-based instruction, students may use the target language as a tool of communication to focus on the subject matter of a given course, rather than focusing on the structure of the language itself. They may communicate in the L2 among themselves, with the instructor and with native speakers in an authentic manner. In addition to providing the opportunity for authentic communication, interaction with native speakers also may expose students to natural models of language usage. According to Krashen's Input Hypothesis (1985), natural input from native speakers is essential to L2 acquisition. As advocates of content-based and learner-centered education propose, the curriculum of the subject classes could take into account the interests and needs of the learners and be relevant to all participants. Moreover, the students may be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the instruction, which may increase student motivation. With respect to the importance of motivation, Lambert and Gardner (1972) and Krashen (1985) showed that the learner's attitude outweighs aptitude factors in second-language acquisition.

Little Italy is based on a client-server architecture and it is distributed via the Internet. You can connect via a MOO client or via a telnet client at the following Internet address: Little Italy is based on a high level programming language, called Lambda-MOO and developed by Pavel Curtis. This language has been designed to allow end-user involvement in the planning and building of virtual environments. Among the many MOO clients available ( we choose to focus on one client developed by Francesco Levantini ( in Java ( The advantage of a Java client is that end user skills are not required, the client does not need to be installed or setup, instead the client can be automatically downloaded into a Web client window and it runs and establishes the connection with the server. The importance of having a very simple procedure in order to achieve operational status ha been underlined by several studies such as (Milligan & Murdock 1996). Thus I assume that our average end user will be using a 640 x 480 pixels monitor resolution and a 640 x 480 pixels client software. The Java client will open into a Web client window and it will require a display size of 610 x 350 pixels, since Netscape clients 2.x or 3.x are responsible for 60% of the HTTP transactions, in Netscape, the user will need to deselect navigation elements such as the toolbar, the location, and directory buttons in order to obtain the best size of the content window. Given our basic assumptions and definition of terms, I have chosen to base my evaluation on an instrument that allows to analyze the software at different levels (server/client) and provides for a user-centered perspective. The chosen instrument is the revised heuristics as defined by Levi and Conrad (1996).


The Java client to Little Italy, built by Francesco Levantini is very simple. The interface is composed of a yellow frame, a black communication window, a blue command window, and gray command buttons. There are five command buttons:

I would like to suggest what are the functions that should be included in a Java client, in order to make interaction profitable for a beginning level user. Large information output, such as help or mappa, etc. should be redirected to a secondary Java window, perhaps 200 x 100 pixels appearing in the upper left corner. The client should use modes (Grudin 1989) and have mode buttons, such as:

The Client should also have one command windows and some function buttons such as:

There are three more elements, at the server level, that are subject to possible improvement: the help index, commands and some error or status messages are still in English. To understand better let us say that all the commands and help have been translated from English. The Lambda-MOO programming language and can only accept English commands, thus translation is made through aliasing and it would be easy to make it complete. Error and status messages may require a heavier intervention at the programming level in order to achieve full translation. Language students could benefit from a reduced technological barrier at the client interface level if my suggestions above should be implemented. This would allow them to focus on Italian texts found in commands, descriptions of objects, error or help messages, communication with other users. The communicative situation, in Italian language, will be mostly functional or real, thus creating very favorable conditions to language acquisition.


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Example of place description:

Piazza Italia
E' uno largo spiazzo circolare, la piazza piu' antica di Little Italy. Al centro puoi notare una grande fontana in marmo nero, da cui zampilla limpida acqua sorgiva.
I tuoi passi risuonano sicuri sulle mattonelle in porfido rosa striato che compongono il pavimento; panchine dipinte verde sono poste sulla circonferenza della piazza ad intervalli regolari, ottime per un po' di riposo sotto i noci e le quercie che paiono osservarti dall'alto dei loro secoli.
Uscite: Est, Ovest, Nord, Sud, edicola, ufficio, Vespasiano e cabina.
Vedi il Torrazzo, la Statua di GDA, MAXI SCHERMO, Termometrone Enorme, REGISTRO, Teleporter, Otelm-o-Matic, Animalario Automatico, Vettore Spazio-Temporale, Cammello Sardo, Albero di Natale di LI, Fermata Metro', fish-wing, Latrina_volante, e toponiglietta.
La luna si staglia in alto nel cielo.
Ci sono 3 dita d'acqua per terra.
Fa caldo.


Example of object:

Ragnone peloso e' arrivato.
Ragnone peloso con i suoi tanti occhi si guarda attorno incuriosito
Toponiglietta se ne va (t).


Example of description of situation:

Vedi spuntare ad un tratto dal terreno una formarota.
Senti il rumore di un motore sgangherato e vedi arrivare l'AutoBus
Ragnone peloso se ne va (Vespasiano).
Ragnone peloso con i suoi tanti occhi si guarda attorno incuriosito


Example of map:

*** Mappa di Little Italy by Jorge (#174) ***
  ________   ______________   __________   _____________________  | 
 /        \ /              \ /          \ /                     \ |
|          |                |  Zona      |  Italy Hill           ||   Lago
|          |                | Commerciale|                       ||
| Zona     |                |            |     Zona Nord         ||
| Indus-   |   Aereoporto   |            |                       ||
| triale   |                |\__________/_\_____________________/
|          |                |/                  \ /             \ /
|          |                |                    |               |
|          |                | Centri             |   Parco       |
|          |                |    Amministrativi  |               |   Italy
|          |\______________/|                    |     Centrale  |   Hill
 \________/ /              \ \__________________/_\__            |
 /        \| Giardini Pub-  |/         \ /           \           |
|          | blici     _____|           |             |          |  Zona
Est  |
|          |          |     |           |  Centro     |\________/|
|          |\________/|     |           |             |/        \|
|          |/        \| Sta |           |  Storico    |          |
|          |          | zio |  Zona     |             |
| Quartie- |          | ne  |            \___________/           |/  Parco
| re       |          |     |  Centrale       \ /     Quartiere  |  dei
Colli |
|          |          |     |                  |
| Perife-  |          |     |                  |   Commerciale   |/
| rico     |          |_____|                  |                 |
|          | Quartiere     \ \________________/ \_______________/|  Centri
|          |                |/                \ /               \|
Sportivi  |
|          | Residenziale   |                  |                 |
|          |                |                  |   Citta'        |
|          |                |    Castello      |     Studi       |
|          |                |                  |                 |
Arena   |
|          |                |                  |                 |
 \________/ \______________/ \________________/ \_______________/

Per ottenere una mappa STRADALE, digitare MAPPA2

Ritorni in Italia

Maurizio: 24 febbraio 1997

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