Index Server Search Page

Use the form below to search for documents in this web containing specific words or combinations of words. The Index Server search engine will display a list of matching documents. Each list item is a link to a matching document; if the document has a title it will be shown, otherwise only the document's file name is displayed. A brief explanation of the query language is available, along with examples.

Search for

Query Language

The following is an excerpt from the Microsoft Index Server Guide.

This list gives the rules for formulating queries:

Boolean and Proximity Operators

Boolean and proximity operators can create a more precise query.

To Search For Example Results
Both terms in the same page access and basic
access & basic
Pages with both the words “access” and “basic”
Either term in a page cgi or isapi
cgi | isapi
Pages with the words “cgi” or “isapi”
The first term without the second term access and not basic
access & ! basic
Pages with the word “access” but not “basic”
Both terms in the same page, close together excel near project
excel ~ project
Pages with the word “excel” near the word “project”


Wildcard operators help you find pages containing words similar to a given word.

To Search For Example Results
Words with the same prefix comput* Pages with words that have the prefix “comput,” such as “computer,” “computing,” and so on
Words based on the same stem word fly** Pages with words based on the same stem as “fly,” such as “flying,” “flown,” “flew,” and so on

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