Mining the Networks Summer 1996

Languages 479-1, 579-1           Summer 1996          Syllabus

Third meeting, Tuesday July 2, 1996

- Internet protocols

- telnet

- Pine basics 

how to set up pine for:

at the pine main menu
a (addressbook)
a (add one address)


z (create a mailing lists)

class mailing list

when reading a message containing all the class addresses:
t (take address)
l (list mode)
x (to select each address)
t (to complete the operation)

at the main menu
s (setup)
c (configuration)

be sure that your to check the same items

            [ ]  compose-rejects-unqualified-addrs
            [ ]  compose-sets-newsgroup-without-confirm
            [X]  delete-skips-deleted
            [X]  enable-aggregate-command-set
            [X]  enable-alternate-editor-cmd
            [ ]  enable-alternate-editor-implicitly
            [X]  enable-bounce-cmd
            [X]  enable-flag-cmd
            [X]  enable-full-header-cmd
            [ ]  enable-incoming-folders
            [ ]  enable-jump-shortcut
            [ ]  enable-mail-check-cue
            [X]  enable-suspend
            [X]  enable-tab-completion
            [X]  enable-unix-pipe-cmd
            [X]  expanded-view-of-addressbooks
            [ ]  expanded-view-of-folders
            [ ]  expunge-without-confirm
            [X]  include-attachments-in-reply                                  
            [ ]  news-approximates-new-status
            [ ]  news-post-without-validation
            [ ]  news-read-in-newsrc-order
            [ ]  preserve-start-stop-characters
            [ ]  quell-user-lookup-in-passwd-file
            [ ]  quit-without-confirm
            [ ]  save-will-quote-leading-froms
            [X]  save-will-not-delete
            [ ]  save-will-advance
            [ ]  select-without-confirm
            [X]  show-selected-in-boldface
            [X]  signature-at-bottom
            [ ]  use-current-dir


character-set          = iso-8859-1
editor                 = pico
image-viewer           = 
use-only-domain-name   = No                                                   

- Usenet News, selection and operation
how to set up pine for news reading

s (setup) 

c (configuration)

nntp-server            =

news-collections       = News *{}[*]

- UNIX basic commands

- how to build an HTML 

Homework due on our next meeting

- set up pine correctly - insert in your addressbook the e-mail address for this course:

- build a mailing list of this class in your addressbook - subscribe to a mailing list of your choice - select and read a newsgroup (using pine) - create a first page including some basic elements as described in class, for the setup refer to the University of Utah Computer Center tutorial - read chapters 6-8 of your textbook - decide upon the subject of your presentation/page - notify that you have completed the above tasks

back to the syllabus

Maurizio: June 24, 1996