Searching Internet Resources

This tutorial is intended to provide hands-on experience with the Internet resources it describes. In order to take full advantage of this tutorial, you should attempt to use the skills it describes while you are reading the tutorial. As such, if you ha ve a Unix account you should be loggged into your account while reading this tutorial, togling between the tutorial and your Unix account. You can do this easily via a Telnet client program (assuming that you have a connection that allows you to do so, wh ich is likely if you are reading this via Netscape or some other graphical www browser). If you do not have Telnet, download a copy from the University of Utah Computer Center now.

Once you have telnetted to your unix account, follow the instructions... This will make it possible for you to employing the skills described here to accomlish the tasks you need to while also making it possible for you to learn these skills in a direct, immediate way. If you find that any part of this tutorial is outdated or needs some clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the author(s) via e-mail. If you do so, please include "tutorial feedb ack" in the subject line.

There is a vast amount of information (including software, text files, and pictures) on the Internet. To take advantage of this infromation, you need to know how to lok for it. This tutorial describes how to search for information via the following archi ving systems: