Languages 479-1, 579-1           Summer 1996          Syllabus



BACKSPACE          Delete last character on command line

CTRL-W             Delete last word on command line

CTRL-U             Delete entire command line

RETURN             Execute command line 


date               Current date and time 

who                List users on this machine 

rwho               List all users on all machines 

finger       Display information on user  

clear              Clear the window 


man       Display documemtation on  

man -k    Display all commands that involve  


CTRL-Z             Interrupt current job 

CTRL-C             Kill current job 

jobs 		show jobs

fg %1 		Return job 1 to foreground

bg %1		Run job 1 in the background

stop %1		Suspend job 1

 kill %1 		kill job 1

 ps 		process status

kill -KILL PID	will immediately terminate the process


 .                  Current directory

 ..                 Parent of current directory

~            Home directory of user 

~                  Your home directory


pwd                Print name of working directory

cd       Connect to directory  (. by default)

ls       List contents of directory  (. by default)
    -a                 List even the files that begin with "."
    -F                 Mark directories and executables in the listing
    -l                 Display extra information


mkdir           Create a directory 

cat             Display contents of file 

more            Display contents of file  one page 
at a

rm              Delete file 
    -r                        Delete even if a directory

cp    Copy one file into another
    -r                        For copying a directory and all its contents

mv    Rename a file or directory

rmdir           Delete empty directory 


chmod 		Change protection mode

grep 	(Global Regular Expression) Grep is a utility that allows you to 
search for a character string in a file.

*	Wildcard for multiple characters

?	Wildcard for single character

history	It will display the last x commands that you have issued in a 
Unix shell window

spell [filename]	to find all of the misspelled words in a file

alias [nickname] [command] 	to abbreviate commands

echo 		Print to the Screen

| 	pipe (e.g. "ls | more")

>	pipe out to (e.g. "ls > filename")
<	pipe in to (e.g. "mail < filename")


.login	is a shell script that is run every time you log in

.cshrc,	is a script file that is executed every time you start a new

.plan	allows you to give a brief description of yourself (seen by 
others through finger)

back to the syllabus

Maurizio: June 24, 1996